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From The World To Israel

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From Israel To The World
From The World To Israel

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From Israel To The World
From The World To Israel


From Israel To The World
From The World To Israel

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From Israel
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From The World
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From Israel
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From The World
To Israel


哈雷尔·博柯萨律师事务所 (Bocobza Law) 是一家位于以色列的知名国际律师事务所。本所拥有一支技术娴熟的专业律师队伍,现于多个国际司法管辖区开展业务,协助客户实现其法律及商业目标。我们的客户均系以色列乃至全球范围内的行业翘楚,得益于团队律师跨学科的国际化背景,他们亦是本所强大业务导向型世界一流法律服务的受益者。本所另同各国财税顾问、工程师、知识产权律师、公共政策专家通力合作,为社会各界客户提供物有所值的及时商业建议。


Bocobza Law旨在打造服务于客户的商业枢纽,促进客户与客户、客户与泛法律服务行业间的商业合作,在众多经济实体间建立稳固高效的有机联系。本所与全球各行业领域内的诸多关键主体交往密切,其中包括世界独一无二的以色列创新技术生态系统。同时,本所利用其在世界各地及以色列本土的广阔人脉,协助客户进行业务拓展,占有全球多元市场。基于在不同行业间建立的网络,我们已为许多客户解锁新机遇,达成新目标。

专业、卓越和人道是我们的核心价值观。 我们坚信每个人都应当获得正义,我们应当帮助那些有需要的人获得公平且适当的法律服务,有鉴于此,本所定期提供各类无偿法律援助。


The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter and should not be relied upon as such. HBL accepts no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever arising from use of the information contained in this website. The accessing of information contained in this website shall under no circumstances be considered as creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and any party accessing this web site. Contacting through email any lawyer named in this website or sending information without prior agreement of HBL shall not be construed as automatically creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and the party sending an email or information. The material contained in this web site has been created by and remains the property of HBL. No reproduction, transmission, publication or any other form of dissemination shall be permitted unless the prior written consent of HBL has been obtained. This web site may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. HBL does not sponsor, approve or endorse the content of any such website and is not responsible for the materials appearing in such sites.

HBL does not carry liability for any legal and other types of work provided by any lawyer / professional related to HBL, unless such agreed explicitly and in writing, and only in services tightly related to HBL.

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter and should not be relied upon as such. HBL accepts no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever arising from use of the information contained in this website. The accessing of information contained in this website shall under no circumstances be considered as creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and any party accessing this web site. Contacting through email any lawyer named in this website or sending information without prior agreement of HBL shall not be construed as automatically creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and the party sending an email or information. The material contained in this web site has been created by and remains the property of HBL. No reproduction, transmission, publication or any other form of dissemination shall be permitted unless the prior written consent of HBL has been obtained. This web site may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. HBL does not sponsor, approve or endorse the content of any such website and is not responsible for the materials appearing in such sites.

HBL does not carry liability for any legal and other types of work provided by any lawyer / professional related to HBL, unless such agreed explicitly and in writing, and only in services tightly related to HBL.