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From Israel To The World
From The World To Israel

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From Israel
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From The World
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From Israel
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From The World
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Bocobza Law は、イスラエルおよび国際法に対応する法律事務所です。当事務所の所属弁護士は、幅広い国際法に精通し、専門性を備えており、クライアントの事業目標達成を法律面からサポートいたします。当事務所は、税務・財務コンサルタント、エンジニア、知的財産に強い弁理士、公共政策の専門家などのプロフェッショナルと密に連携し、クライアントの多様なニーズに費用対効果の高いビジネスアドバイザリーサービスを提供しています。

当事務所は、国際的な経験と知見により、イスラエルのクライアントのグローバル展開を支援すると同時に、外資系のクライアントのイスラエルでのビジネス活動を支援するTwo-Way Gatewayの役割を果たしています。イスラエル現地での法人設立から撤退・清算に至るまで、ビジネスのライフサイクルに関わるすべてのニーズにワンストップで対応しています。また、イスラエル国内外の商法および民法、国内訴訟および国際訴訟、仲裁を含む複数の分野でサービスを提供して顧客満足を獲得しています。

Bocobza Law の理念は、クライアントのビジネスハブとして機能し、クライアント間のビジネスコラボレーションを加速させて、新たな価値創出を実現することです。Bocobza Lawは、イスラエルのスタートアップ・ハイテクエコシステムを含む、国際的なキーパーソンと密接な関係を構築しています。そのネットワークと豊富な経験・知見を生かして、クライアントのビジネス開発と世界市場への参入を支援します。

当事務所のコアバリューは、プロフェッショナリズム、高品質なサービスと誠実さです。 私たちの理念実現のために、ビジネスで価値を発揮することはもちろん、すべての人々、困窮している人々が公正で適切な法的サービスを受けられるように、プロボノ・リーガルサービスの提供にも注力しております。


The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter and should not be relied upon as such. HBL accepts no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever arising from use of the information contained in this website. The accessing of information contained in this website shall under no circumstances be considered as creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and any party accessing this web site. Contacting through email any lawyer named in this website or sending information without prior agreement of HBL shall not be construed as automatically creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and the party sending an email or information. The material contained in this web site has been created by and remains the property of HBL. No reproduction, transmission, publication or any other form of dissemination shall be permitted unless the prior written consent of HBL has been obtained. This web site may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. HBL does not sponsor, approve or endorse the content of any such website and is not responsible for the materials appearing in such sites.

HBL does not carry liability for any legal and other types of work provided by any lawyer / professional related to HBL, unless such agreed explicitly and in writing, and only in services tightly related to HBL.

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter and should not be relied upon as such. HBL accepts no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever arising from use of the information contained in this website. The accessing of information contained in this website shall under no circumstances be considered as creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and any party accessing this web site. Contacting through email any lawyer named in this website or sending information without prior agreement of HBL shall not be construed as automatically creating an attorney-client relationship between HBL and the party sending an email or information. The material contained in this web site has been created by and remains the property of HBL. No reproduction, transmission, publication or any other form of dissemination shall be permitted unless the prior written consent of HBL has been obtained. This web site may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. HBL does not sponsor, approve or endorse the content of any such website and is not responsible for the materials appearing in such sites.

HBL does not carry liability for any legal and other types of work provided by any lawyer / professional related to HBL, unless such agreed explicitly and in writing, and only in services tightly related to HBL.